free trademark registration

Free trademark registration in Chennai

A trademark registration is typically a name, word, phrase, logo, image, image or a combination of these to recognize a company’s items and administrations from that of others. A TM is also utilized as a marketing apparatus for creating awareness and acknowledgment of a company’s items or administrations among clients.

A trademark is the intellectual property of its holder; and obligation regarding trademark streams from the business usage of the trademark.

Free trademark registration in Chennai

A company/individual should enlist the trademark to have the total responsibility for mark and to shield the same from abuse by another individual/business substance. Just if the trademark is enrolled, the proprietor gets the legal rights to take legal action against an encroachment of trademark.

Enrolling a trademark registration gives the proprietor restrictive right to utilize the mark for their items and/or administrations. In the event that the trademark is enlist, the proprietor can utilize the image ®. On account of trademarks for which a registration application is document, the image ™ can be utilized.

Utilizing these images for unregistered trademarks or in cases where no application for registration is document is an offense.

Trademark Classification

Under Free trademark registration in Chennai, whole range of labor and products are classified into 45 unique classes. Distinguishing the Class of Trademark is vital prior to documenting the application as enrolling a trademark or name under a particular class gives security under that category as it were.

On the off chance that a trademark is utilize for labor and products under various classes, separate applications are need to record under each class to get security of trademark for the individual labor and products.

Sorts of Trademarks

Under the Trade Marks Act, 1999 the various sorts of trademarks that can be enrolled are:-

Item Trademarks: They are trademarks attach to recognize the business’ items.

Administration Trademarks: They are utilize to recognize the administrations of the element. For instance, the trademark for organization and broadcasting administration. They assist with advertising the help gave.

Aggregate Trademarks: These trademarks will enlist in the name of gatherings or organizations. They assist with peopling associate individuals with the gathering during commercial activities.

Certification Trademarks: They are ensuring trademarks which assist with peopling judge the quality, material utilized, beginning and other explicit features of labor and products.

Free trademark registration in Chennai Interaction

Free trademark registration in Chennai Interaction is totally an on the web and will take about 9 a year. The initial step is to record an application with the Trademark Library (TM Vault) and obtain the acknowledgment.

After documenting the application for trademarks registration, the image (™) can be utilized with name/Brand. After registration of Trademark, the image ® can be utilized.

Advantages of Free trademark registration in Chennai:

Selective Rights:

The proprietor of Enlisted Trademark appreciates selective directly over the trademark. The proprietor can utilize the same for all the items falling under the class(es) applied. Further, the proprietor can partake in the sole responsibility for Trademark and can prevent other from the unauthorized utilization of the Trademark under the same class where it is enlisted. It gives the option to sue the unauthorized client of the Trademark Enrolled.

Constructs trust and Altruism:

The established quality of your item and administrations through the trademark and which establishes trust and generosity among the clients in market. It helps in creating permanent clients who are loyal and always select the same brand.

Differentiates Item:

It makes easy for clients to discover your items.Free Trademark Registration in Hyderabad makes your item and personality of items unique in relation to that of the current and anticipated contenders and acts as productive commercial device. The logo can communicate your vision, quality or exceptional characteristic of your company and any organization.

Acknowledgment to item’s Quality:

It offers acknowledgment to the quality of the item. Clients attach the item’s quality with the brand name and this image is created in the market about the quality of a particular brand which helps in attracting new clients as they can differentiate the quality of an item by the logo/brand name.

Creation of Asset:

Registration of Trademark creates an intangible asset for example Intellectual Property for an organization. Enrolled trademark is a right created which can sold, assigned, franchised or commercially contracted. Also, the Trademark is an intangible asset which gives the advantage to the organization

Utilization of ® image:

When the trademark is enlist you can utilize the ® image on your logo stating that it is an enrolled trademark and nobody can utilize the same trademark. It is selective of all kinds of usages as well as rights. Assuming another person utilize the trademark, you can also sue the party if the trademark is enlisted.

Assurance against encroachment:

No competitor or other individual can use the wordmark or logo selected by you under trademark. Notwithstanding, if regardless one uses it without the approval of the proprietor of trademark or make any misleading utilization of same, the proprietor can get the legal security under the Act and stop the individual doing as such.

Assurance for 10 Years for a minimal expense:

Online Free trademark registration in Chennai is an extremely low maintainability cost. When you register the trademark you have to simply pay the maintenance cost and renewal cost which is after 10 years of enlisting the trademark. It is cost proficient and assists your company with creating a novel image.

Global Free trademark registration in Chennai:

On the off chance that one wants to enlist the trademark in nations other than India, the trademark enroll in India can utilized as basis of registration there. For any individual willing to expand outside India, the trademark enrolled in India can furnish a decent base along with the Established Altruism in the Country.

Attract Human Assets:

Youthful personalities aspire to join enormous Brands as it’s anything but a magnate. Trademark Registration moves the positive image of the organization and in this manner candidates are attract towards them easily. This diminishes the expense towards employing and related activities.


Trademarks are a financially savvy of way of advertising your business. Register a trademark pronto.


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